Friday 2 June 2017

Duolingo, application for learning

One year ago one of my classmate show me a application called Duolingo. He told me that he practise his language skills with the app every day. I dowloaded Duolingo to my phone and since then I have used it for learning spanish, swedish and even little bit france.

Nowdays we have lots of electronical tools for learning and teaching languages. We have websites, applications, learning channels and even online groups for just helping learners with their studings. Duolingo is nowdays one of the most popular application for language learning. But are these applications really useful to kids?

What is Duolingo?

Duolingo is free platform that inclues app and website.
In 2014 Duolingo was the first learning application to receive an honorable mention from Apple as the application of the year. Now Duolingo has over 100 000 000 users and 68 different language courses across 23 languages.

What Duolingo offers to users?
Every user have their own profile. Students earn poindevelopment.
ts and coins while making listening, writing and speaking exercises. From stores students can bought items to use or new versions of exercises for practising. Students can make their own goals to website and earn coins when they reach them. Before every lesson there will be instruction about important new informations what students need. Learners can also discuss sentences they do not understand with each others and see which words they remember well and which words they remember well. Users who study same languages can make their own "practise-group" where to study. Teachers can also make their own classroom to see their students
There is a link to the classroom I made:

Many students and teachers have found Duolingo useful way to learn. Goals give motivation to students and app let learners to choose many languages. Students can start to learn for exampel hedrew, japanese or franch in their free time from basic level. Groups can support each others and they can compete and talk with each others.

Why Duolingo is good way to learn?
- Give possibily to indepent learning
- Give possibility to share learning
- Show language learning funny way, give goals and motivation
- Give children possibilities to learn also other languages

But we can also found some week spots in this way of learning. With Duolingo there is translation and learning is based on mistakes and correction with planned sentences. In the app, there is not real communication. Learners are not always able to use language anymore when context change. Even if children learn translate and understand language better, they have might have difficulties to express themself. Learning in Duolingo is also happening with different courses, step by step. You need to learn earlier topics before you can learn new ones. Even if learner would found one topic interesting, he needs to wait until he reach this point. This might affect to motivation. Duolingo is still only one way to learn, and all the task are pretty similar to each others. Person who for example found communication or storytelling interesting might not get into the Duolingo.

What is still missing in Duolingo?
- Real communication
- Context with using languages out of internet
- Different ways of learning
- Freedom to choose topics from own interest

Duolingo and other learning applications are improving themselfs for being better to learners. The development from the first versions are already huge. But as we can see, applications does not give enough to language learning only by themself right now. These kind of applications give a lot a good materials to classroom and it might be great idea to try them, but they also need teachers own work and creativity besides them. Duolingo for example is planning to add possibility to talk with people and have "languagechanging". That would be some communication added to learning.

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